Wednesday, 22 July 2009

First in Aberdeen again ...

It seems our bus drivers have a problem, they are not happy at the wage they recieve, so what do they do, "Industrial Action" ???

What this entails is a work to rule, go slow and dont jump ahead to pick up slack...

What this means for us commuters, the only bus service allowed to operate freely in Aberdeen is in chaos!

We have the most expensive bus fares in Scotland, the worst service for time keeping and now we are being held to ransom by these lazy arsed drivers.

Many times I was told yesterday that busses were missing (late) by on average 40 - 45 mins...
Some folks, elderly and disabled folks were forced to either wait over an hour for a bus or as one bus driver was heard by me the other day to say " If you dont like it, Walk!!"

To be honest, am damned glad I have made up my mind to get out of Aberdeen to head back down the road, one the buses are more frequent, more choice atween the buses as well and lastly we get more distance for the time as well.

40 mins on the bus to get 4.5 miles ( Tillydrone to Holburn junction ) or 28 minutes to get from Glasgow buchannan to Wishaw... thats about 12 miles

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