Thursday, 5 February 2009

First Aberdeen, Tillydrone 19 Service...

or should I say LACK of Service!!!

We finally get a little snow in Aberdeen, and ye would think a Bus Company would be able to handle it??

NO, that would be a dream....

Anyways, my story is the journey to town today, this morning.

Left the house, as am walking down a slushy and slidey path to the bus-stop, I see the bus there already(11:21am)... No Way am I running for it, path was to slippy, so I had to wait for the next bus to appear (11:36am) ... No Biggy!!

So there I am, at the bus stop, waiting, taking pics to kill time, chatting to some gent that I have spoken to afore, and the time drags on... 11:35 no sign of the bus... 11:40 .. not here ... 11:50 .. Still not here... 11:52 a minute after the NEXT bus was due, I phone the company, they said "No Idea where the buses are, traffic is chaos everywhere" THEY SHOULD FRIGGING ANTICIPATE THIS!!!!

So back to waiting, am now getting pissed off Big Time... finally at 12:10pm a bus appears around the corner, takes another 3 mins to get to us.. so in total I have had to wait 37 mins for a bus that was due at 11:36am...

Now the bus that appears, ( new driver, learning the route ) HE is only 7 mins late.. 2 Buses failed to even appear!!! This is Typical!! Always happens!!!

Now, Tillydrone is a wee scheme in Aberdeen, lots of elderly folks there, and for a bus service to not have a bus in the area for over 30 mins when it is meant to be a 15 min service is bloody shocking!!!

Unfortunatly, First Bus have the monopoly on the routes in Aberdeen, no other buses would take on the routes or provide a service that could cover us or give First a run for their money, so we are stuck with an expensive and unreliable service...

Makes me wonder about getting on my bike and slowing down the buses even more by hogging their frigging bus lanes!!!