Tuesday, 29 September 2009

My newest Rant, LLU for the Aberdeen North Exchange.

Hello All.

Having a wee rant here, and thought it deserves to get posted up in here.

As some of you lot know, I tend to use the internet a LOT, and I mean a LOTTTTT!

When I was going to move down the road, I had it planned for going with O2 Broadband up to 20 Meg service as that have that down there.

Now here in Aberdeen, out of the 12 exchanges in the area, only 5 that I know about are now LLU enabled and working.

Now the Aberdeen North is between George Street / Haudigan Roundabout area, quite a big and lucrative area I would think, but after 9 failed attempts to get this LLU enabled, it still isnt done ?? WHY !!!

I find it annoying that it is impossible to get a honest answer out of anyone as no-one knows the truth.

So here is a really silly Idea???

How hard would it be to put pressure on folks to get FibreOptics into the Aberdeen area for residential customers ?

After all, every house is connected to the sewers, some FiberOptic folks use the sewer network for convenience???  Aberdeen Cable!! mind of them from the 90's, I was in their studio learning some stuff and making a hash of it as well, well what happened to their network cables??? are they still there ??? could they be used to pull the FiberOptics thru ??

Now obviously, this would not be cheap at the outset, but am sure if folks pulled together, made a co-operative group to get it started, there would be the golden funding from the EU to help it along the way ??

So to BT and BT Wholesale, please stop lying to the people and tell us the truth, or the People might just say to themselves... "We can do better" and find another way!!!